
《失明笔记》是一部好看的纪录片,影片的关键词是失明笔记 立志 泡妞 我要 色狼 大智若愚 帅哥 ,是Dan Renton Skinner Simone Kirby John M. Hull Marilyn Hull 伊莲恩·戴维斯 Max Sinclair Lorelei Winterfrost 主演的一部记录 纪录 影视作品。


  In the summer of 1983, just days before the birth of his first son, writer and theologian John Hull went blind. In order to make sense of the upheaval in his life, he began keeping a diary on audiocassette. Upon their publication in 1990, Oliver Sacks described the work as 'the most extraordinary, precise, deep and beautiful account of blindness I have ever read. It is to my mind a masterpiece.' With exclusive access to these original recordings, NOTES ON BLINDNESS encompasses dreams, memory and imaginative life, excavating the interior world of blindness.
